If you are using slides during your session, these can be brought with you on the day. We advise having an emailed copy that you can access in case there are any issues with a USB memory stick. 

There are three types of presentation that are accepted for IEEC2023. Please ensure that your session is planned accordingly.

Option 1 – Interactive session
These are interactive, practice-based session within one of our six conference tracks (see below). This format is ideal for interactive and ‘co creative’ exchange, generation, and exploration of new insights. The content of your session can be underpinned by research or practice.
Interactive sessions specifically provide “take-away” knowledge, experience, and practice for delegates.
The interactive nature of sessions is of paramount importance. Sessions should include a maximum of 20 minutes presentation, blended with audience engagement and participation to create multi-directional exchanges and meaningful learning. The total amount of time allocated to each session is 50 minutes.
Track Chairs will assist facilitators to achieve an appropriate balance of presentation and interaction.

Option 2 – Seminar
Seminar sessions can be underpinned by research or practice.
Seminars provide an opportunity to share with delegates the session leader’s learning from practice or research. Delivery style will be more traditional than for interactive sessions providing an opportunity to share experience, ideas and practice. The entire seminar will be 50 minutes and session leaders should aim to present for 35 minutes, allowing 15 minutes for Q&A and discussion.
Sessions should also provide “take-away” knowledge, experience, and practice for delegates.
Track Chairs will assist session leaders to achieve an appropriate balance of presentation and Q&A / discussion.

Option 3 – PechaKucha 20×20 presentation
PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds (just under 7 minutes in total). The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images. Slides should contain images only, no text.
The 20×20 presentations will be made in quick succession. This is an opportunity to share concisely your experiences or good practice with delegates in a shorter format than the interactive sessions and seminars.
A PechaKucha 20 slide template can be found below:

EEUK_Pechakucha Template (Powerpoint)

EEUK_Pechakucha Template (Keynote for Mac)

2023 track themes

1. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Research
Chairs: Andreas Walmsley & Breda O’Dwyer

a. Showcasing the latest research in Enterprise Education
b. Building a research profile in Enterprise Education
c. Getting published
d. Enterprise Education through the lens of gender
e. Emerging research areas
f. Using research to inform practice in enterprise and entrepreneurship education

2. Extra and Co-curricular Enterprise Education
Chairs: Emma Forouzan & Ruth Rowe

a. Measuring the impact of enterprise programmes that are delivered outside or alongside the curriculum
b. Examining the impact on skills & employability
c. Use of technology in enterprise education
d. Engaging the unengaged with enterprise
e. Enterprise competitions – beyond the business plan competition.

3. Supporting Start-up, Growth and Scale-up
Chairs: Angus Phillips & Kelly Jordan

a. Incubators and accelerators run by universities and colleges
b. Adapting to the longer-term impact of Covid-19 on business and the entrepreneurial ecosystem
c. Supporting start-ups to raise finance, including alternative finance
d. Supporting early stage businesses to grow
e. Supporting established businesses to scale up
f. After ERDF – how to fund university support for SMEs

4. Sustainability and the Role of Enterprise Education
Chairs: Chris Moon & Kelly Smith

a. Addressing the SDGs via entrepreneurial support and education
b. Nurturing an understanding of the SDGs amongst students
c. Collaboration between enterprise educators and their organisations to deliver on SDG strategies
d. Social enterprises

5. Enterprise for the Future of Work
Chairs: Emilee Simmons & Will Pritchard

a. Preparing students for freelancing and the gig economy
b. Enabling young people to be intrapreneurs
c. Supporting inclusivity, motivation, wellbeing, and values
d. How can enterprise contribute to employability?
e. Preparing students for portfolio careers.

6. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Teaching and Curriculum
Chairs: Carrianne Wallace, Lauren Caple, Mhairi Threlfall & Richard Tunstall

a. Innovative approaches to delivering enterprise / entrepreneurship education
b. [X discipline] with entrepreneurship / enterprise – combining enterprise / entrepreneurship with other disciplines
c. Embedding enterprise across the curriculum
d. Measuring the impact of enterprise and entrepreneurship education
e. Assessing enterprise / entrepreneurship modules and courses