Click on the tables below to enlarge.

To download PDF versions click here for the main programme and here for the parallel session table.

Wednesday 4th September 

Thursday 5th September

Friday 6th September


Winners of Best in Track Awards, sponsored by NatWest, are marked up in RED below.

Please email lynn@enterprise.ac.uk if you require a copy of any slides.



PechaKucha presentations (Stream A)

PK1 (a) Philip Clarke, Nottingham Trent University

The entrepreneurial mind (and body) set

PK1 (b) Dr Andrea Macrae, Oxford Brookes University

Designing a ‘Literary Enterprise’ module for English literature students

PK1 (c) Dr Chinthaka Aluthgama-Baduge; Rob Moon; Vic Curtis, University of Derby

Enhancing creative confidence through interdisciplinarity, peer teaching and competition

PK1 (d) Joanne Morrissey & Marcia Baldry, Anglia Ruskin University

To embed or not to embed – that is the question?

PK1 (e) Dr Simon Hill, De Montfort University

How can enterprise educators learn from the SAS (British Special Forces)

2A Engaging your business community: How to develop an inclusive entrepreneurial competition

Charlotte Windebank, FIRST

Join us for a discussion with graduate entrepreneurs/partners and the organisers behind the If We Can You Can Challenge – the North East’s startup business competition: www.ifwecanyoucan.co.uk. Find out how the Challenge is partnered with all 5 North East Universities, enterprise support agencies/services to deliver a series of aspirational awards and unique networking opportunities for North East startups. Hear from graduate entrepreneurs and how it’s helped connect/build confidence and add credibility to their ideas including the contributions to the local economy.

3A Venture Crawl: A collaborative exploration of urban entrepreneurship

Rachel Stockey, King’s College, London; Hayley Jones, Loughborough University; Taylor Semelsberger, King’s College, London

Venture Crawl is London’s biggest celebration of urban entrepreneurship. Over 300 students from 13 universities boarded our iconic red buses in 2019 taking 9 unique routes across the Capital. We toured over 40 locations – from start-ups to accelerators, co-working spaces to incubators, investors to corporates. This is the day when the entrepreneurship sector meets the talent nurtured by London’s universities. This session will share the lessons we’ve learned in collaborative working and taking enterprise education on the road.

4A The Enterprising and Resourceful Researcher – an insight into immersive learning impact

Jenny Brady; Victoria Mountford-Brown, Newcastle University

This session focuses on the creation, delivery and evaluation of researchers in relation to ACTION for Impact, an innovation and enterprise programme for postgraduate students and early-career researchers. ACTION for Impact is a novel collaboration between Newcastle and Durham Universities helping demonstrate the societal and economic impact of research, and of the researchers themselves, through innovation and knowledge exchange. The session shares the practicalities, challenges and successes of researcher engagement and developing credible and novel content alongside proven delivery methods.

5A Enterprise in the 21st Century: Accelerating women’s roles ** Best in Track **

Eilish Gorse; Lynda Povey, University of Portsmouth

Recent research on our student cohorts identified that far fewer females than males access our extra-curricular enterprise support. The Richard Beresford bursary enabled us to research types of support and events other HE Institutions offer to encourage females to be enterprising and to develop their ideas from conception to reality. We will share what we have learnt and are currently implementing. Using best practice from our female entrepreneurs programme, we will explore key skills which help females maximise their opportunities.

6A Let’s talk social value: students engaging in a business with a heart

Gabriela Matouskova, CU Social Enterprise CIC; Dr Arun Sukumar, Coventry University – International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship

The last decade saw an expansion of student-social enterprise engagement in UK universities but the benefits are not yet fully understood. Often hidden within metrics that fail to capture the rich diversity of activities and the value they add to the student experience, Coventry University went beyond the purely financial measures to uncover the breath of social value created from student-social enterprise engagement. What did we find? Do you look beyond metrics in your institution? How? When? Why?


1B Enterprise and entrepreneurship education evaluation: A Realist Approach

Philip Clegg; Catherine Brentnall, University of Huddersfield

EntEd receives enthusiastic support in policy and guidance, and yet effectively assessing its impact remains elusive. Researchers are told to be more scientific and conduct ‘gold standard’ randomised controlled trials, which are used in evidence based medicine. But is EntEd a treatment which can be given to students to generate consistent positive effects? No two students/programmes or educators are alike, so perhaps it is time to question testing the effectiveness of EntEd with the simple question of, ‘did it work?’

PechaKucha presentations (Stream B)

PK2 (a) Nina Lanzon, London South Bank University

Engagement for engagement’s sake? 

PK2 (b) Ivana Chlubná; Vojtěch Krmíček, JIC

The entrepreneurship summer school: Learning through experience

PK2 (c) Lee Gray, Oxford Brookes University

A research study of OB business students’ mindset: What is influencing their participation in entrepreneurial activities

PK2 (d) Victoria Coulter; Judith Maguire, Queen’s University Belfast

Havin’ a Ball (literally)

PK2 (e) Robert Wilson; Dr Carolin Decker-Lange, The Open University

The OU entrepreneurship competition: An opportunity to engage online distance learners in entrepreneurship

3B Journey to the centre of “User Needs” (a user-centred approach to building programs) ** Best in Track **

Ashlea Wallington, University of Sydney Union

Curricular and co-curricular entrepreneurship programs teach the importance of user-centred problem solving for startups and strategy. How can we apply these principles to construct and iterate learning environments to create stronger programs and enhance the student experience? Learn how The University of Sydney’s award-winning startup accelerator, INCUBATE, embed the user at the centre of program design and delivery, growing participation by over 400%, and building a quality pipeline of talent.

4B Imperial Venture Mentoring Service (IVMS): Meet the mentors and ventures ** Best in Track **

Victoria Nicholl, Imperial Enterprise Lab; Dr Paul Atherton, Imperial College

Launched in September 2017, IVMS is Imperial’s flagship mentoring service for academic and student startups, with 49 mentors and 34 ventures. The first in the UK to adopt the MIT Venture Mentoring model, IVMS ‘graduations’ have lead to three seed rounds, a Google acquihire, entries to Y Combinator and Tech Stars, Dr Paul Atherton, Director IVMS, will lead a panel discussion (which will then open to attendees) of ventures and mentors, exploring the unique relationships and value added through mentorship.

Please click here to download the IVMS guide to how to be effectively mentored.

5B Finding your V spot!

Diana Pasek-Atkinson; Philip Clarke, Nottingham Trent University

Discover some simple approaches to identifying and exploring personal values, starting points for a self-audit. Understanding your values along with appreciating your skillset, helps navigate the right direction to express your enterprising tendencies in a way that works for you. This tried and tested session was devised to unlock the ideas of students from creative or social science subjects and encourage routes into self-employment but do please join us if you are just curious to come and find your V spot!

6B Entrepreneurship training for the fashion industries – A case study from Kazakhstan

Gill Gourlay, University of Northampton; Daniyar Medetov, Almaty Management University

This interactive session will focus on innovative approaches to supporting social enterprise and entrepreneurship within the fashion industries of Almaty, drawing on our cross national work within a British Council funded Creative Spark project. Presenters from the UK and Kazakhstan will outline the challenges and strengths of delivering entrepreneurship training to an audience outside the mainstream with little experience of enterprise training and differing needs. We explore the future development of our approach and its applicability to other industries.


1C An integrated model of embedded enterprise and employability in higher education

Georgina Dalton, Oxford Brookes University      

This session offers for scrutiny an approach taken in one Faculty in a post 1992 university which has sought to implement a model of enterprise and employability which: make clear students’ enterprise and employability journey during their time at university; that their experience is tailored and progressive; introduces expectations about student engagement in enterprise and employability activities; ensures students work together and support each other across disciplines; has enterprise is embedded within the curriculum.

2C NCL Apprentice – A big Trump or as sweet as Sugar? ** Best in Track **

Amelia Reeves, Newcastle University

Since 2014 various forms of the NCL Apprentice Competition have run within Newcastle University. This session will critically explore the benefits and risks of using ‘entre-tainment’ style interventions to attract student participation. Further focus will be given to the progression of the competition over time and the power of repositioning the intended outcomes and marketing style to emphasise Enterprise skills development rather than start-up birth. Detailed feedback from attendees will be shared, revealing the positive outcomes of NCL Apprentice 2019.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream C)

PK3 (a) Dr Ulker Sattarova, AzUAC; Linsey Cole, London South Bank University

Startups, innovation and growth: Experience from Azerbaijan

PK3 (b) Rebecca Moodie, The University of East London

What are the characteristics of ‘Female Friendly’ business support?

PK3 (c) Michael Howe, Campus Capital

Student Venture Capital: The way to support growth start-ups while providing advanced enterprise education

PK3 (d) Carl Thomas, London South Bank University

What is an accelerator? And WHY do we need to accelerate?

PK3 (e) Darren Chouings, Sheffield Hallam University

Coworking: Life beyond the hype

4C From design student to ‘intrapreneurial’ graduate: Staging the enterprise Journey

Peter Reid, Teesside University; Lewis Brown, NYMAS

This session will follow one Product Design graduate’s enterprise journey through their degree and into graduate employment. A case study will focus on developing business relationships that place enterprise in the curriculum, enhancing student experience and creating employment opportunities. The presentation will include both academic and graduate perspectives. It will discuss the challenges and benefits of working with business, building sustainable capacity and bridging into employment via Knowledge Exchange initiatives. Extensive examples will contextualise and showcase real world working.

5C EntreComp in action: Keeping up to date with Entrecomp

Lisa McMullan, The Women’s Organisation; Alison Price; Jing Zhang, Enterprise Evolution; Dr Margherita Bacigalupo, Joint Research Centre (JRC), EC Science Service

This interactive session will update you on EntreComp, the European Entrepreneurship Competency Framework, showcasing the most recent developments and applications. We will share research findings into why, who and how the framework is being used to support entrepreneurial development. Examples stem from international experiences working across sectors and with different target audiences, from students to academics; entrepreneurship practitioners to employers. Delegates will be able to experience EntreComp activities and tools that are proving effective for enterprise educators across the world.

6C Social innovation for the Netflix generation: Education as a catalyst for change in the 21st century

Lee Sharma, Simply Do Ideas; John Barker, Cardiff Metropolitan University

We live in a rapidly changing world so education must change. There is strategic responsibility for education to engage with local communities to drive both economic and social change (e.g. through Civic Mission, HEBCIS, etc.). This interactive session will illustrate how using challenge-based innovation turned five entrepreneurial educational institutions in deprived South Wales Valleys areas into powerhouses for positive local change. They delivered ‘on-demand innovation’ for private, public and third sector organisations whilst providing ‘virtual’ entrepreneurial work experiences for students.


1D Succeeding at failing ** Best in Track **

Dave Jarman; Kirsten Cater, University of Bristol

Dave has written a follow-up blog available here.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship requires a tolerance of constructive failure. If we’re going to encourage and enable new ideas and approaches, we must allow for exploration and experimentation. In this session we’ll explore how we (and our attendees) have created space for students to ‘fail’ but still learn, how we manage failures to learn, and how we handle it when as educators we fail to execute all our innovative teaching and assessment ideas effectively with the students.

2D Entrepreneurial identity exploration through a game-based learning approach

Dr Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit, Aarhus University Faculty of Science & Technology

Narratives and storytelling are an important part of entrepreneurial identity transition and construction. According to literature, this transition usually happens through experimentation with possible selves. How can one facilitate the exploration of multiple possible selves that may result in an authentic entrepreneurial identity? We propose a method using a game-based learning approach using play and self-discovery in an open yet controlled, safe environment of a classroom. This seminar will share results and invite discussion on entrepreneurial identity facilitation.

3D One year on! Results from Creative Spark, a UK partnership approach to enterprise education in South Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine and launch of phase two

Richard Everitt; Hande Diker, British Council

The session will cover the Creative Spark model and achievements of first year implementation of international collaboration between UK and 7 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan – for capacity development and knowledge exchange on enterprise education for students, academics and young entrepreneurs. The session will also cover the Launch of the new phase of the Creative Spark Programme with new partners and products on board.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream D)

PK4 (a) Iskender Osmoev, Central Asian Crafts Support Association’s Resource Center in Kyrgyzstan

Intellectual property and marketing strategies in creative enterprises based on knowledge and skills of cultural heritage

PK4 (b) Jane Coughlan, Imperial College London

What does it mean to think like an entrepreneur for STEM postgraduate research students?

PK4 (c) Emma Thatcher, University of the Arts London

Not just a shop: Enterprise support for creative graduates

PK4 (d) Diana Pasek-Atkinson, Nottingham Trent University     

Business minds and Babel Fish: supporting creative business start up

PK4 (e) Matthew Dowling, University of Westminster

Freelance summer school: An enterprise education case study for 21st century working lives

5D Crafting your enterprise pipeline

Carolyn Keenan; Katherine Preston, Aston University; Mark Corbet, Edvent

In our highly interactive workshop, we will work together to identify gaps in your extra-curricular activities, ideate a multitude of new solutions and identify collaborators to help you achieve your new goals. Participants will leave with a deep understanding of the student journey, and what it means for their enterprise programme.

6D Exploring the impact of socially driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills

Lauren Davies; Dr Tilly Line, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)

This session will disseminate the findings of an EERPF research project exploring the impact of socially driven projects in developing student’s enterprise skills. The purpose of the research was to explore the impact that engaging in socially-driven projects, such as those that aim to give back to the local community or wider society, has on students’ enterprise skills development and their motivations for engaging in such projects in comparison to those engaging in activities that may be classified as mainstream entrepreneurship education.

EERPF funded project.


1E Enterprise education for engineers with the Technology Evaluation and Commercialisation Framework

2E Motivating non-interested students to engage with entrepreneurshipProfessor Simon Philbin, London South Bank University

This session will provide attendees with an understanding of the merits of adopting the Technology Evaluation and Commercialisation framework to support enterprise education for engineering students. Originally developed at North Carolina State University, this method has been successfully applied at London South Bank University over the last several years. The presenter will give insights gained from the programme, which blends experiential learning with taught content in order to provide students with practical and theoretical knowledge on this important area.

2E Motivating non-interested students to engage with entrepreneurship

Sylvia Jen, University of Leeds

Encouraging students who are not interested in entrepreneurship to engage is a challenging feat. Drawing on motivation theories to guide the design of activities may prove useful. However, there are many motivation theories about, and knowing which may be relevant to draw on and how it can be applied in practice is trickier than said. This session provides a simple framework drawing together different motivation theories and practical examples to help simplify the process of linking theory to practice.

3E ‘Mini Hackathons’ taking over the curriculum

Rebecca Moodie; Kadeza Begum, The University of East London

This session will draw upon the experience of the team at ‘The University of East London’ in embedding hackathons across the curriculum. This innovative approach has transformed academic engagement, strengthen the entrepreneurial pipeline and encompasses the 15 entrecomp competencies. We will share our ‘Blueprint’ for ‘Hacks’ as well as reflections, learnings and resources. You will then be tasked to create your own tailored session. Participants will leave with a flexible framework and our favourite resource – a deck of ‘Hack Cards’.

4E An Introduction to Freelancing

Rebecca Willey, IPSE – the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed

This workshop will give enterprise educators an introduction to freelancing. It aims to increase your awareness of the self-employed sector and inform you about the world of freelancing. This session will leave you with an increased understanding to empathise with individuals who choose being self-employed as a career so that you can provide relevant support and guidance. We will share tips from freelancers, so you have practical examples to share with your university community.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream E)

PK5 (a) Hope, Newcastle University

Amsterdam Sustainable Business Challenge

PK5 (b) Lorna Dukes, Intellectual Property Office

IP education: What, why and how?

PK5 (c) Poppy Waters, UCLAN

Pracademia: From passion for fashion to passion for enterprise

PK5 (d) David Morgan, Novus

Offender to entrepreneur: The mindset to become a better version of yourself

6E A process for building innovative horizontals that empower bold solutions ** Best in Track ** (SLIDES NOT AVAILABLE)

Elina Kallas, University of Tartu; Dr Marge Täks, Estonian Business School

We introduce the opportunity spotting (Spot) process, which is part of the Rethinking Engineering Design eXecution (REDX) platform launched years ago by the MIT Emerging World initiative to tackle social entrepreneurial challenges, with the larger goal of impacting billions of people. The Spot process has highly practical implications, as it gives clear guidelines on how to find a grand opportunity for innovation, analyze it, and map the likely solutions that leverage emerging technologies.


1F Unexpected enterprises: Thinking and doing enterprise creatively

Dr Emma Agusita, University of the West of England; Dr Dan Ashton, University of Southampton

This interactive session explores how new modes of creative and cultural work are being generated by enterprising activities that fall outside of traditional notions of entrepreneurialism, often through leveraging new digital tools and platforms, and how these evolving pathways might be collaboratively explored in higher education teaching and learning. Sharing insights from a EEUK funded research project ‘Unexpected Enterprises’, this session will appeal to participants interested in the enterprising nature of creative career development and in developing innovative pedagogic approaches.

EERPF funded project.

2F Connecting STEM and business students for collaboration

Liz Choonara; Dr Harveen Chugh, Imperial College London

This session will examine the work of Imperial Enterprise Lab and Imperial College Business School to support business school student entrepreneurs at a STEM focussed institution. We will highlight the successes and challenges faced in having both a tailored and generic programming approach to fulfil these needs. The session will give top tips on how you can maximise the value of the unique relationship between these departments in the development of entrepreneurial education activities.

3F New approaches to embed entrepreneurship in an international curriculum

Christel De Maeyer; Katrien Van den Perre, Artevelde UC

This academic year we experimented with a new approach of coaching/mentoring in our Entrepreneurs lab. We go from the ‘old school’ students to the ‘self-steering, self-reflecting, self-directing’ students in our Entrepreneurs lab. In this session we want to share our experiences and at the same time explore new possible methods of working and learn from others who explore the same ambitious. This session has the aim to work and explore new pedagogical methods for entrepreneurial students based on 21th Century skills also mapped by InstituteForTheFuture

4F Accessible enterprise education to engage part-time & distance PGRs

Katie Hoare, University of Birmingham

Engaging campus-based researchers can be a challenge – so how can we design and deliver a portfolio of relevant and stimulating extracurricular enterprise education that is also accessible for those based off-campus? The activity not only needs to cater to a diverse range of students in terms of discipline, age, nationality and career aspirations but also their mode of study and location. This is a challenge I attempted to tackle in 2018-19. Did I succeed? You can be the judge of that…..

5F SIE’s Museum of the Future 

Ann Davidson; Fiona Godsman, Scottish Institute for Enterprise

SIE’s Museum of the Future invites you to interact with a series of artefacts of the future i that captures student insights about a possible future and : Transforms them into seemingly real objects and spaces that say ‘This is how the future looks and feels’. Shows how familiar objects could take on strange aspects as a consequence of changes we can foresee today. Communicates the students’ foresight with clarity to better inspire their and your insights about the future

PechaKucha presentations (Stream F)

PK6 (a) David Bolton, Swansea University

Embedding enterprise: Entrecomp and the Chinese perspective

PK6 (b) John Barker, Cardiff Metropolitan University

The Great Gatsby: Installing the Gatsby Benchmarks for nteerprise and employability in secondary education

PK6 (c) Dave Jarman, University of Bristol

Finding founder fit

PK6 (d) Andrew Baird, Manchester Metropolitan University

Social Innovation Through Entrepreneurship (SITE): “A stakeholder approach to social enterprise education”

PK6 (e) Gabriela Matouskova, CU Social Enterprise CIC

Almaty and Coventry: Sparking creativity in enterprise

EERPF funded project.