Please email lynn@enterprise.ac.uk if you require a copy of any slides.

IEEC 2017 Parallel Sessions (draft and subject to change)

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1A A free agent or a hired gun? Preparing for life in the gigging economy through curricular enterprise education

Amy Gerrard; Professor David Gibson OBE; Vasilios Tavlaridis, Sally Partington, Liverpool John Moores University

The shift in the graduate landscape, forcing many graduates away from traditional careers and towards the gigging economy, has yet to filter down to the way we prepare students to tackle these 21st Century challenges. This workshop is designed to help you inject transformative techniques into your pedagogy, increasing the preparedness of graduates to face and embrace a future that involves freelancing.

2A The Emperor’s New Clothes: Where are their sales?

Brian McEwan; Geoff Leask; Christina Christopoulou, Young Enterprise Scotland

Business Growth is driven by revenues and profits. Has our enterprise support and education created Emperors and young business owners that are seeking customers to sell to, or investors to sell out to? This session seeks to understand what commercial skills college and university students are learning and challenges if they have the correct tools to grow a business through selling products and services. We argue that trade beats investment for sustainable business development and economic growth.

3A Breaking down barriers by celebrating diversity

Dr Najma Taqi, Arab Open University; Dr Safia Barikzai; Thomas Empson, London South Bank University

We share the entrepreneurial stories from two cities; London and Bahrain. Our previous research studies identified the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. Although the studies were independent, the results identified similar issues. Through our collaboration, we have organised awareness campaigns both in the UK and Bahrain which has in return increased uptake. We will discuss the positive impact of our interventions by sharing stories from our celebration of diversity campaign. You will also hear from our student enterprise champions!

4A Breaking the ice: How to get started with students new to enterprise

Dr Kelly Smith, Coventry University

Enterprise and entrepreneurship educators often work with students who are new to enterprise, not convinced that it’s relevant to their career choice, or even who are actively opposed to the subject. How can we inspire such students when we first meet them in order to encourage them to fully engage? Participants will experience three ice breaker tasks, share experiences, and discuss examples that they have used in their own practice.

5A Entrepreneurial University: What is it and how do you get there?

Cilla Richards; Pauline Miller Judd, Edinburgh Napier University; Dr Susan Laing, Teesside University

The Entrepreneurial University concept is ambiguous with still much debate among academics today. Regardless, the notion of becoming an entrepreneurial university continues to increase in popularity with higher education institutions around the world. Using an interactive approach, this session will explore the Entrepreneurial University concept including: what it means; how it can be measured; best practice examples; and an example of how Edinburgh Napier University evaluated their current entrepreneurial standing.

6A Evaluating entrepreneurship education impact within universities: A longitudinal perspective

Celia Netana, University of South Wales

This session presents the results from a recently completed EEUK Enterprise Education and Research Project Fund project. The session provides longitudinal quantitative and qualitative evidence regarding the career outcomes achieved from undertaking a programme of entrepreneurship education from two case study universities, the University of South Wales and Coventry University. EERPF funded project.


1B Enterprise education journey: The Trip Advisor effect

Katie Wray, Newcastle University; Carol Langston, University of the Highlands and Islands

This session considers the shift in student feedback, and the perception that we, as educators, are only as good as our last experience. 21st Century learning styles make online/social media a valuable, but tricky resource for learning, and for giving feedback. Recognising that students may not realise what they have learned until much later, after their learning intervention, requires us to think about what it is that we bring that fits the attention span and priorities of many of our learners.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream B)

PK2 (a) Caroline Nouvellon; Tam Do, Sheffield Hallam University

Hallam Freelancers: bridging the gap between students, graduates and SMEs

PK2 (b) Dr Charlotte Warin, Newcastle University

Taking all the credit – Why not?

PK2 (c) Dr Chris Kirk, Lincoln University, New Zealand

From PhD to entrepreneur

PK2 (d) Dr Robert Phillips, University of Manchester

Activities for promoting enterprise for postgraduates and postdocs

3B Out of the classroom and into the wild: A wilderness expedition as a relevant and valuable context for entrepreneurship education

Dr Susan Laing, Teesside University; Dave Ritchie, Tai Poutini Polytechnic

The session will discuss the value of taking learning out of the classroom and how to develop students’ capability and capacity to solve complex problems in a team situation utilising the wilderness as the context for this journey. This study was completed in New Zealand and the lessons of cross border as well as cross context will be developed to encourage the development of curriculum which embraces these variables. The session will provide constructs to encourage debate and consider how this research can be adapted and modified to other cultural locations.

4B Exploring the impact of curricular and extra-curricular enterprise education on career progression and entrepreneurial activity of graduates from The University of Sheffield

Chrissie Elliot, University of Sheffield

A reflective session from the University of Sheffield Enterprise, about their experience of tracking the career journeys of graduates from their institution. The session will share the outline approach taken, methodology used and hard lessons learned from the EEUK Enterprise Education and Research Project Fund research project. The session will also support other practitioners who wish to carry out a similar project, by helping to assess their support structures and networks in place. EERPF funded project.

5B Curriculum reform: A deep-end induction to graduation year

Lesley Hetherington, Scottish Institute for Enterprise; Professor Bruce Wood, Glasgow Caledonian University

This session presents the GCU experience of using a social innovation challenge at the start of the final degree year to signal ‘This Year is Different!’ – to raise student aspirations and give individuals the chance of a fresh start into their final year. The workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to experience human centred design thinking, customer centred empathy maps and identify potential social challenges relevant to their local context.

6B So what is Entrecomp anyway?

Alison Price; Lisa McMullan, Enterprise Evolution; Elin McCallum, Bantani Education

By first outlining the approach and potential of 2016 Entrepreneurship Competence Framework: “Entrecomp”, this session will seek to engage delegates in the latest European consultation (JRC Seville) designed to support take-up of the new framework.  Delegates will be shown the latest thinking and be able to comment and direct the final phase, as well contribute to creating sector leading examples for showcase. Particular focus and interest to FE / VET / non-traditional / extra-curricular / business.


1C ”Are you ready for it?” curricular enterprise education for 21st century graduates

Professor David Gibson OBE; Vasilios Tavlaridis; Amy Gerrard; Sally Partington, Liverpool John Moores University

The presenters will review the enterprise skills needed for the 21st century graduate. They will provide a methodology developed in 2017 based on 17 years of embedding enterprise in the curriculum in both research and modern universities. Participants will have the opportunity to apply the methodology to “live” students in the workshop. An agreed set of 21st century skills and curricular implementation plans will be completed by the end of the session with follow up review.

2C GI-go – induction into graduate incubation

Kim Brookes, University of the West of England

The Graduate Entrepreneur is a very different animal to the undergraduate entrepreneurial student. The induction programme which takes graduates from student enterprise to graduate incubation encompasses Psychology Department-devised metrics, “The Knowledge” which initiates connections with academics and university business partners, and blueprint modelling as a template for incubation. We will review and share our methods and engage the audience in interactive techniques which have proved useful in this process.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream C)

PK3(a) Sunita Dewitt, Coventry University

Flipping the jigsaw

PK3 (b) Rajinder Bhuhi; Pete Hitchings, University of Leicester

Accelerating and co-evolving  Leicester’s start-up ecosystem

PK3 (c) Mohammed Ali, University of Birmingham

Employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship – Exciting the unengaged

PK3 (d) Libby England, London South Bank University

Enterprise for intrapreneurs

PK3 (e) Dr Janette Young, Newcastle University

The entrepreneurial journey and reflective practice:   Using online journals for assessment purposes in university education  (SLIDES NOT AVAILABLE)

4C Developing students’ employability: The case of Enactus GCU and the ‘Mission’s Kitchen’ social enterprise

Dr Alec Wersun; Laura-Jane Howard, Glasgow Caledonian University; Rosie Connolly, Enactus UK

This interactive, student co-facilitated session will use a live case example of Enactus GCU students’ experience of co-creating a social enterprise with a local charity to contribute to the alleviation of homelessness in Glasgow. Students, supported by university and business advisors, will use the case method to illustrate how the challenges of identifying a problem in the community, and developing then implementing a practical solution, have served not only to sharpen their employability skills, but have also improved employment prospects.

5C Threshold concepts in entrepreneurship education

Dr Lucy Hatt, Northumbria University

As part of ongoing doctoral research, 5 candidate entrepreneurship threshold concepts have been identified.  Threshold concepts bind a subject together, being fundamental to ways of thinking and practising in that area.  Participants will be invited to share examples of their most effective entrepreneurship and enterprise teaching interventions, listen to and critique the presented research findings and attempt to categorise their examples by candidate threshold concept, as well as perhaps identifying other threshold concepts specific to enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

6C Enterprise skills throughout education: From 3-18

Tom Ravenscroft, Enabling Enterprise

Enabling Enterprise works with children from the age of 3 through to 18 year-olds, working to build eight critical enterprise skills. This session explores why we start so young, and how to make sense of that journey from learning to share and interact through to being ready for university, employment or entrepreneurship.


1D Mobilising enterprise education through global classrooms

Dr Emilee Simmons, University of Leeds

This session explores the ‘Leeds Drexel Global Classroom’ programme, which places students in cross-institutional teams to complete a variety of ‘projects’ across the year, including: working remotely to pitch ideas and run business simulations as well as meeting physically in third-locations to work with NGOs and acquire leadership skills. This initiative helps support the needs of 21st century working by getting students to ‘put theory into practice’, whilst they enhance employability skills, build their entrepreneurial mind-set, and gain international competencies.

2D Seek first to understand then to be understood: Sharing experiences and perspectives of three key stakeholders on the effectiveness entrepreneurship education

Danae Bodewes, Fontys University of Applied Sciences; Wiel Hotterbeekx; Danielle Twardy, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

There are differences between how students, teachers and entrepreneurs experience and view entrepreneurship education (EE). But what do these three key stakeholders consider to be the deal makers and deal breakers? And when are they satisfied about the effect of EE? In this workshop we actively explore your vision on the effectiveness of EE and involve you in a discussion on how the personal insights of students, teachers and entrepreneurs can improve the effectiveness of your entrepreneurship education.

3D Collaborative projects for inclusive and accessible enterprise education

Dr Anne Smith; Dr Julie Thomson; Declan Jones; Dr Bernadette Scott, Glasgow Caledonian University

This session will show how collaboration and ways of working together can create student enterprise projects that are inclusive and accessible, and how we designed projects that support the underlying principles of diversity, inclusivity and individual respect. We will share with the audience some examples of our student projects and attempt to include two of our students and one of our collaborators.  Our collaborators are a rich mix of businesses, academics in other countries, charities and social enterprises.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream D)

PK4(a) Suzanne Withrington, Teesside University

Inspire, Innovate and Interact – how enterprise in the curriculum enhances confidence and stimulates learning

PK4 (b) Anna Nibbs, University of Sheffield

Intrapreneurial Educators: talking the talk, walking the walk, and feeling empowered

PK4 (d) Dr Dawn Weatherston, Newcastle University

Travellers’ Tales: An entrepreneurial journey through the School of Modern Languages

PK4 (e) Gary Wood, University of Sheffield

All about enterprising graduates

5D Professional development of entrepreneurship educators in East Africa: Opportunities for international collaboration and knowledge transfer

Opportunities for collaboration with East African Enterprise Educators

Dr Robert Newbery; Andrea Lane, Newcastle University

East Africa experiences high demand for entrepreneurship education, yet it is held back by a lack of qualified entrepreneurship educators and programs to support those educators. To address the issue educators from across East Africa are launching the East African Entrepreneurship Educator Network in 2017. During the session Dr. Newbery and Andrea Lane will introduce the current state of entrepreneurship education in East Africa and present opportunities for international collaboration and knowledge transfer with UK and global academics.

6D The Bootleg Benchmarks: Eight examples of ‘How To’ develop careers and enterprise through the curriculum

Catherine Brentnall, Ready Unlimited; Professor Nigel Culkin, University of Hertfordshire

How can we support school teachers and trainee teachers to think about ways they can integrate careers and enterprise into subjects and topics? How can we expand their pedagogic repertoire beyond ‘compete and pitch’, the model that dominates the imagination of novice enterprise educators? This session shares the rationale for, and outputs of, an EEUK funded research project which explores how teachers can develop careers and enterprise through the curriculum. EERPF funded project.


1E Create an entrepreneurial movement: Unlocking the power held by students

Hemali Patel, King’s College London

In 3 years we have built a community of 10,000+ people, and this is a result of our core principle – we are entirely student-led. I will be taking you on an informative and practical journey, which will introduce our unique model and encourage you to explore entrepreneurial and unconventional approaches to engagement. You will create an innovative offering based on the needs of your community, and leave inspired and equipped to also create an entrepreneurial movement at your institution.

2E 72 hours; 50 entrepreneurs… and 20 kgs of sugar!

Teodora Handrea; Ross McLennan, University of Edinburgh

3 Day Start-Up delivers the world’s best entrepreneurship education in an extreme hands-on environment. But delivering this programme is not easy. The University of Edinburgh has run 3DS programmes for many years. At this interactive session, we will share our experiences – the challenges, the barriers and the achievements – and we will explore the practicalities of how you can become part of one of the world’s biggest entrepreneurship ecosystems and deliver transformational entrepreneurship education to your students.

3E Skills, special interests and superpowers: Enterprise for a neurodiverse world

Anna Nibbs, University of Sheffield; Finbarr Carter, University of East Anglia

As enterprise educators, we often encourage our students to think creatively, laterally, differently. Neurodivergent people – those with mental illness, specific learning difficulties, autism, and more – do this every day! Two neurodivergent enterprise educators will share their unique perceptions of the world and invite you to consider: 1. Could neurodiversity be a gift for entrepreneurship? 2. Why are so many neurodivergent students engaging with enterprise? 3. How can we better engage and support neurodivergent students? 4. And how do we take the conversation forward?

4E Future ready: Get there early

Ann Davidson; Matthew Gardiner, Scottish Institute for Enterprise

It is difficult to plan for the enterprising landscape our students will be engaging with in the future. Will it be an inclusive one recognising a diverse range of skills and when will we see new innovative job roles emerging that don’t exist yet? However, this workshop will show that it is possible to think about the future in a systematic way and to turn this uncertainty into inspiration, creativity and resilience within our present day actions to be future ready.

PechaKucha presentations (Stream E)

PK5(a) Tareq Omairi, University of Sheffield

Training postgraduates to develop leadership skills through research experiences and beyond

PK5(b) Vic Curtis; Rob Moon, University of Derby

Measuring the effect of developing an enterprising mindset

PK5(c) Sean Hoare, Cardiff University

Experiential enterprise – The Festival Project.

6E Enabling creative students to ‘make stuff happen!

Libby Anson, Glasgow School of Art

This session explores the issues and practices involved in supporting students and graduates of The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) to generate and sustain their own creative enterprises. We will be investigating the methodology for engaging those studying to be art and design practitioners in developing an entrepreneurial mindset. The session will enable participants to experience how students manage the process of integrating their studio practice and applying their learning to create solutions for the real-world.


1F Enabling students entering the flexible workforce: The rise of freelancers, ‘giggers’, portfolio professionals and ‘slashies’

Lydia Wakefield, IPSE – The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed

As the economy evolves, the UK workforce is becoming more and more flexible. With a significant increase in the number of freelancers, a rise in the gig-economy, portfolio and ‘slashie’ careers; this workshop will explore the growth of these flexible ways of working, examples of successful young graduates working in these sectors and how to give students and graduates the confidence to succeed in this flexible working landscape.

2F Towards full integration of enterprise: Lessons from UHatch and Glasgow Caledonian University

Professor John Lennon; Professor Bruce Wood, Glasgow Caledonian University

This session aims to show how this University has sought to embed a curriculum of enterprise, employability and entrepreneurship across three diverse schools: Glasgow School for Business and Society, School for Built Environment and the School for Life and Health Science that comprise Glasgow University. Beyond this, we explore how start-up is managed by a multi-skilled senior team from across the University and how external mentors, funding agencies and national organisations participate in the process of graduate start-up.

3F The power of hackathons in enhancing diversity within enterprise education

Carolyn Keenan; Sandra Benbow, Aston University; Will Churchill; Umesh Kumar, UniHack

We will explore challenges faced in enterprise education whilst also showing how hackathons are a unique and exciting tool that all universities could be using. Our session will showcase the value they create, the positive feedback they have received and examples of implementing innovation into education. Attendees will be shown how they can apply these principles in their own institutions through our practical innovation and creative thinking workshop.

4F Building a multilevel student community for entrepreneurial learning: A case study of Eindhoven capital of the Brainport region of the Netherlands

Danae Bodewes, Fontys University of Applied Sciences; Lian Kanters, SintLucas

Recognize this? You want: experiential learning, authentic learning context, multi-level and -disciplinary student teams and projects, needs based, just in time learning , involvement of creative and entrepreneurial professionals etc.  Problem: creating and managing such a learning environment is labour intensive. Most teachers have no time for this. Why join this workshop? We share our experiences in developing a student community for entrepreneurial learning and invite participants to share their experiences, problems and best practices in creating and managing entrepreneurial learning environments.

5F The Entrepreneurial University: What places have we constructed and what is happening in the space?

Marcia Baldry-Bryan; Professor John Thompson, Anglia Ruskin University

Using one well-established enterprise learning opportunity from Anglia Ruskin as a base case, this workshop will offer participants the opportunity to share their own experiences. The Big Pitch allows students to bid for investment funds; growth businesses, self-employment opportunities and social enterprises are all relevant. It is relevant for all disciplines and supported with finance and mentoring from external partners. Other relevant initiatives will be dissected by (a) whether they are embedded in, or separate from, the formal curriculum and (b) led by academic faculty or enterprise support specialists.