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IEEC2015 Interactive sessions and PechaKucha presentations
Session summaries can be found below the table. The tables can be enlarged by clicking on them.
2A Cross-campus curricular enterprise education: The impossible dream??
David Gibson, Liverpool John Moores University
After an outline of the continuing challenges in embedding enterprise in the curriculum the facilitator will provide a simple model that has worked sustainably in twenty institutions in the last five years. Groups will be asked to tackle two scenarios which require the use of the model; and the creativity of the participants in groups will create and implement a real time solution that will be assessed in a fun interactive way.
3A Start-up weekends for inspiration, initiation and implementation
Samantha Deakin, University of Sheffield
At The University of Sheffield, we believe entrepreneurs have the best chance of success if they have a strong team, a validated concept, and experience of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Startup Weekend simulates life as a founder in an intensive and immersive way, taking ideas from concept to launch in just 54 hours. It is experiential learning… and students love it. Take the first steps towards launching Startup Weekend in your city with this interactive planning session.
4A The Entrepreneurial Institution: from concept to action
Keith Burnley, NCEE
This workshop explores why institutions need to be entrepreneurial and what this means in practice. The workshop will consider how the concept of the entrepreneurial institution is developing and will draw on the work of Professor Allan Gibb, NCEE colleagues and others in the 2013 publication, ‘The Entrepreneurial University: from concept to action’. Examples of entrepreneurial best practice at Universities across the UK will be shared and participants will have the opportunity to consider the implications for their own institutions.
5A BABE (BA Business & Enterprise) – an impactful journey – round the globe and lessons learnt
Susan Laing and Maggie Anderson, Edinburgh Napier University and Ian Hooker, Tai Poutini Polytechnic, New Zealand
A partnership has been established between Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) with Tai Poutini Polytechnic (TPP) in New Zealand who have identified challenges in the lack of student friendly pathways to obtain degrees. TPP identified ENU as providing a solution. In November 2014 ENU supported the validation process in New Zealand with the NZ Qualification’s Authority identifying the project as ‘bold, innovative and highly demanded in the West Coast and beyond’ – the first learners joined in May 2015.
6A Enterprising / entrepreneurial Journeys – what’s yours?
Hannah Lister and Charmaine Myers, Sheffield Hallam University
We will share the findings from our research looking into ‘the impact of enterprise skills development specific initiatives on encouraging and growing entrepreneurship in students and graduates at Sheffield Hallam University’. Some people think ‘enterprise’ means starting a business, whereas common definitions suggest that ‘enterprise’ is a skills set. Some of these skills can be carried through to being self-employed and therefore ‘entrepreneurial’, but not always. We would like to invite you to discuss the above and to plot and share your own enterprising and/or entrepreneurial journey.
PK1(a) The entrepreneur’s perspective
Alasdair McGill, University of Dundee
PK1(b) An experiential, team-based approach to entrepreneurship education
Tony Blackwood, Northumbria University
PK1(c) Developing a new language for enterprise education
Colin Jones, University of Tasmania
PK1(d) Start-up with storytelling
Karijn Bonne, Artevelde University College
1B Developing enterprising educators and researchers: Developing PhD researcher skills through enquiry-based learning
MariaLaura Di Domenico and Paul Tosey, University of Surrey
The session is designed to explore and discuss our understanding of the benefits and challenges, particularly at advanced doctoral level, for both educators and students adopting an enquiry-based pedagogy. This is vital as doctoral researchers are our future and indeed current educators, enterprise advocates and impact-makers. We will facilitate an interactive session which encourages a novel and learner-led approach in order to stimulate and nurture an enquiry-based learning (EBL) method to tackling a problem-based collaborative project.
3B Building enterprise communities: the power of collaborative working
Linsey Cole, London South Bank University and Chris Locke, Start Up Republic
LSBU Rocket is a 6 month programme delivered by LSBU and Start Up Republic that helps early stage student and graduate start-ups accelerate their growth. The impact of the programme has shaped our vision for entrepreneurship support: we will share our experiences of developing a new collaborative accelerator programme, give an insight into the student/graduate journey and help delegates to reflect on lessons learnt and identify next steps to develop the entrepreneurial ambitions of their own student community.
4B Bridging the borders with cake: From HE to FE and back
Chrissie Elliott, University of Sheffield and Penny Matthews, Llandrillo Coleg
Familiarity does not always breed contempt. Instead, it can provide the comfortable backdrop for some of the best conversations and exchange of ideas. Hence, in the familiar environment of a pop-up FE & HE co-hosted ‘café’, we will be sharing the catalyst effect that a one hour conversation between two HE and FE enterprise practitioners had for a FE institution. The FE Enterprise Coordinator, following the bridging conversation over tea and cake, led a subsequent process of change within their organisation.
5B Delivering international entrepreneurship education using online tools – reflections on the Universitas 21 global ingenuity challenge
Simon Mosey and Paul Kirkham, University of Nottingham
Experiences and challenges of facilitating a global online entrepreneurship education event – The Universitas 21 Global Ingenuity Challenge. Using existing networks to best effect. Moving entrepreneurship education beyond the business school. Achieving high quality specifics from the general in a relatively short space of time. Providing appropriate online tools to encourage and capture participants’ inherent enthusiasm and creativity. Towards building an international collaborative community of problem-solvers. Participants with connected devices will be able to interact in a live creative problem solving exercise.
6B A feast of formative video feedback served five ways, on a bed of enterprise education with a side of research and drizzled with impact on student learning
Vic Curtis and Rob Moon, University of Derby
Our appetiser considers research literature around the benefits and problems of formative feedback to help students improve their learning, and our previous video feedback efforts. The main course demonstrates five simple examples of how formative video feedback was introduced into various enterprise modules. Dessert is feedback on the feedback: what did students think and what impact did it have? Finally, coffee: recommendations for how you can quickly and easily implement formative video feedback into your own teaching to create impact.
PK2(a) Creative learning for entrepreneurship
Tracy Bingham, Manchester Metropolitan University
PK2(b) Over to you – using heutogogy in a new venture creation degree
Kelly Smith, University of Huddersfield
PK2(c) Can design thinking be a new teaching approach for entrepreneurship education?
Ana Daniel, University of Averio
PK2(d) Sustainable business growth using SimVenture business simulation
Safia Barikzai, London South Bank University and Peter Harrington, Venture Simulations Ltd
1C Using MOOCs to support enterprise education in the post-16 education sector
Emilee Simmons, University of Leeds
The session will introduce you to ‘Starting A Business’ – a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) specifically designed for 16 – 18 year olds. The course was developed to support the A level Business Studies curriculum and offers free, interactive learning resources and activities for teachers to use both inside and outside the classroom. You will have the opportunity to engage with the MOOC, find out how teachers and students responded to using it and hear our experiences of delivering enterprise education on the FutureLearn platform.
2C Talented, creative, ambitious – The South Bank collective CIC: A student run creative agency
Daniel Alexander and Linsey Cole, London South Bank University
Hear about London South Bank University’s (LSBU) experience of incorporating and embedding a student-led Community Interest Company (CIC) – the Southbank Collective CIC – within the curriculum to support photography students to gain valuable agency experience, develop their portfolios and establish themselves as freelancers. This session will share experiences of embedding enterprise in a creative degree, engaging students in a real-world project and working collaboratively across the institution to incorporate a new legal entity.
4C Embedding entrepreneurs to co-create and co-deliver – the experiences of CEDAR within the Entrepreneurial University of the Year 2014.
Lester Lloyd-Reason and Leigh Sear, Anglia Ruskin University
This session will explore the key issues raised by the policy community and others calling into question the appropriateness of the way in which enterprise and entrepreneurship is taught and look at the way in which universities are responding to these comments. We will offer examples of both pedagogical innovations and enterprise projects delivered by academics and entrepreneurs through the Centre for Enterprise Development and Research (CEDAR) here at ARU by way of an example of best practice.
5C The impact of British PG (Business) education on the entrepreneurial aspirations of returning foreign students: a comparative case analysis
Yuliana Topazly, University of West London
There is increasing pressure on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to play a new role in the society by ‘enhancing the curriculum in many disciplines to embrace a wider global context’ (Gibbs 2013, p.11). For British HEIs, international student recruitment has become quite complex and challenging. This research analyses the impact of international student migration to the UK on the economic growth of two target transition economies (Russia and Kazakhstan) by examining the role of entrepreneurial behaviour on the home economies.
6C Measuring university impact in the community: Moving enterprise education out of the classroom
Lyn Batchelor, University of Chichester
Enterprise education, with its participatory approach and emphasis on doing not telling, is easily transported outside the classroom into regional communities. Here it can encourage novice entrepreneurs whose drivers might be redundancy, underemployment and unemployment rather than innovation and invention. The session reviews a successful programme developed for a local authority. Models such as this show how universities can explore European funding calls which ask for university engagement with SMEs, rather than research outputs, to demonstrate economic impact.
PK3(a) Social enterprise city – UnLtd possibilities
Darren Chouings, University of Sheffield
PK3(b) Plymouth Entrepreneurial Alumni Support Initiative (PEASI): Building and supporting relationships between entrepreneurial alumni and students
Emily Beaumont, Plymouth University
PK3(c) Idea = easy; execution = hard! LSBU’s story of supporting graduate start-ups
Amy Pyle, London South Bank University
PK3 (d) Founderships: An innovation-ship for graduate founders
Katie Wray, Newcastle University
PK3 (e) A universe beyond university
Cathy Keenan, Belfast City Council
1D “Living the Dream”, a holistic approach to social enterprise leadership
Charles Dobson and Caroline Wiscombe, University of Cumbria and Helen Carter, the Brathay Trust
The Aspiring Leaders Programme (ALP), a partnership between the University of Cumbria, the Brathay Trust and the Francis C Scott Charitable Trust (FCSCT), takes local, aspiring leaders on a journey of self-discovery and development with a specific emphasis on social entrepreneurship. Delivered in a non-traditional format to a widening participation audience, the programme blends contemporary theory with well understood personal development and leadership training. Delivery includes residential activities, placements, action learning sets as well as more traditional lectures and workshops.
2DAll about authentic assessment, embedded enterprise and inclusive communities of learning
Gary Wood, Graham McElearney and Richard Spencer, University of Sheffield
We will demonstrate an approach to embedding enterprise into authentic assessment. Our projects involve students creating open-access learning resources for real external audiences, sharing their learning and showcasing their subject to a wider audience, whilst building inclusive communities of learning that extend beyond the University. We argue for the value of embedded enterprise not just in preparing students for their futures, but also as a powerful means of engaging them in higher order, deep-level learning of their own subject discipline.
3D Innovation to commercialisation of university research
Ben McClure and Lisa Rhodes, SETsquared
A snapshot of the joint HEFCE/InnovateUK funded ICURe programme, aimed at taking university researchers out of the lab, to engage with business and industry to gain market validation for their technology. This programme aims to overcome the ‘valley of death’ between university research and industry by providing an intensive coaching programme for Early Career Researchers to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and gain market insight for their research/product/technology.
5D How can we make the Tier 1 graduate entrepreneur Visa work? – The opportunities and challenges
Alison Gee, University of Edinburgh and Finbarr Carter, University of East Anglia
The Visa was introduced in 2012 to encourage non-EU graduates to extend their stay in the UK to start a business. After a VERY slow start, eligibility criteria were relaxed, yet still fewer than 10% of HE endorsements available in 2013-2014 were awarded. In this session we will explore some of the challenges, learn from participants’ own experiences and collectively come up with some recommendations for enterprise educators to make the scheme more workable with a view to sharing those findings with UKVI.
6D Inside out: Getting practice into international policy and giving educators a voice
Andy Penaluna, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Elin McCallum, Bantani Education and Research
Through the educator-led IEEC 2010 Concordat, EEUK and partners have helped to shape the policy environment in which educators work. The QAA Guidance, the All Party Parliamentary Report and Wilson Review are examples, but the influence has extended significantly beyond the UK to the EU, United Nations and OECD. With practical examples, this workshop is all about developing your vision and ‘managing up’, what are the stories behind these successes and what can you learn from those directly involved?
PK4 (a) 10 forward, 10 back
Alison Price, Enterprise Evolution
PK4 (b) A tale of two universities: From the Russell Group to Million+
Dave Jarman, Bath Spa University
PK4 (c) Enterprising by design
Simon Harrison, Lancaster University
PK4 (d) Hackathons: creating an interdisciplinary enterprise community to solve real world problems
Amy Pyle and Safia Barikzai, London South Bank University
1E From Education to Sheducation: Teaching a global classroom of 13,000 learners!
Katie Wray, Newcastle University
Can we translate traditional methods of teaching in the classroom into meaningful non-traditional methods of teaching for a global audience? This session draws on what we have learnt about [enterprise] education through developing, delivering and evaluating a MOOC. The session will involve a challenge…to share practice on what you currently do in the classroom, and to develop approaches to teaching the same thing in a non-traditional manner. You will leave with new approaches that you can try, build upon and share.
2E Enhancing The Curriculum (ETC) skills tool kit: Embedding effective skill development within your discipline
Emma Forouzan, University of South Wales and Alison Price, Enterprise Evolution
An opportunity to explore enterprise skill development within your teaching and gain access to a brand new on-line resource to support your approach and that of colleagues. This session builds upon the work of the QAA, in both subject specialisms and enterprise and entrepreneurship guidance, in order to provide an online resource that provides practical support to teaching staff and academic managers in universities to introduce, or enhance, how students develop enterprise skills as part of their programme of study.
3E A radical approach to delivering and developing social enterprise support and social entrepreneurship education: the case for CASE
Philip Clegg and Catherine McGrath, University of Huddersfield
Following successful engagement with UnLtd’s See Change programme and consequently raising the profile of social entrepreneurship at the University of Huddersfield, Philip Clegg and Catherine McGrath were determined to seek a sustainable model of social enterprise support for students and graduates. CASE (Create A Social Enterprise) is the result of this challenge and has been trading and developing for the last 18 months. This interactive session will share the journey to date, and inspire other innovative approaches to sustainable support.
4E Activist strategies: Getting past peripheral participation and empowering reluctant activists!
David Clemson and Washad Emambocu, London South Bank University
We are here because we are interested in enterprise/entrepreneurship education. Yet we all have encounters with colleagues who ‘hover on the edge’ of being ‘enterprising’ but don’t quite engage. This workshop explores what might be behind this apparent reluctance, how these behaviours impact other participants and what you might be able to do about it. Against widespread institutional support for enterprise, what key determinants can we identify that would lead to self-authorisation to be an enterprising educator?
6E We are all enterprise educators: Ensuring sustainability and impact in curricular enterprise to 2020 and beyond
Ali Riley and Gary Wood, University of Sheffield
In 2014 the University of Sheffield Enterprise Academy was awarded ‘HE Enterprise Educator of the Year’ at the NEEAs. It has clearly been recognised as an innovative model in embedding enterprise in the curriculum, unique in its comprehensive ‘train the trainers’ approach to supporting academics. In the year since the award was given, what has been the impact of this approach? What have been the lessons learned? By 2020, will all our academics be enterprise educators? Will yours?
PK5 (a) The impact of British PG (Business) education on the entrepreneurial aspirations of foreign students. How UK universities can attract more international students. Case study of pilot project in Russia, working with 50 entrepreneurs in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Yuliana Topazly, University of West London
PK5 (b) BABE (BA Business & Enterprise) – an impactful journey – round the globe and lessons learnt
Susan Laing, Edinburgh Napier University
PK5 (c) Retreat, reflect, refresh – retrospective enterprise education for action focussed change-makers
Frances Brown, University of Cambridge
PK5 (d) Ethnic entrepreneurs innovate
Karijn Bonne, Artevelde University College
1F Greening the enterprise curriculum. Engaging the cynics and advocates
Christopher Moon, Middlesex University
This interactive session is run by an ecopreneur to explore survey research of n=150 students and interviews with the Head of Estates and the Director of Student Engagement at one HEI. Results are mapped onto two dimensions (interest in the environment and interest in a green module) and four conceptual domains (colour coded – red, yellow, light green, dark green) to exemplify the differentiation in student attitudes. The session will explore strategies for engaging ‘cynical’, ‘instrumentalist’, ‘advocate’ and ‘complacent’ attitudes.
2F Global collaborations in the entrepreneurial classroom
Emilee Simmons, University of Leeds
Flipped learning has been widely used to move the traditional lecture online so that the class time can be better utilised for experiential and group learning. Yet, with the growing internationalisation of business how can we best bring this into the classroom? This session will provide two distinct methods of creating a globalised flipped classroom at both a PG and UG level, which will be opened to discussion on the different ways in which this might enhance your entrepreneurial teaching.
3F Enablers and barriers to graduate business start-up
Lyndon Murphy, Cardiff Metropolitan University and Catherine Tarling, University of South Wales
As Government reduces investment in start-up, this session examines take-up of Government funded start-up provision. Together we will explore enablers and barriers that impact upon those students and graduates journeying into those early frantic years of business. You will become part of a ‘Human Barometer’ of enterprise educator opinion as together we reflect upon voices of student and graduate entrepreneur experiences, thus shaping a future vision that facilitates growth of new business men and women.
4F Enterprising by design
Simon Harrison and Amanda Brooks, Lancaster University
In this session you will learn about the design tools used during the early stages of an ongoing organisational culture change project at Lancaster University. The tools were developed to gain a baseline understanding of the institution’s complex enterprise ecosystem. This was revealed to be significantly more extensive than anticipated, including both embedded curricular interventions (seminars, placements and knowledge exchange projects) and extra-curricular opportunities (one-to-one mentoring, workshops and boot camps, competitions, start-up support and access to networks, workspaces and funding).
5F Enterprise education: Global insights of methods, adopters and progression
Kathryn Penaluna, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, David Gibson, Liverpool John Moores University and Colin Jones, University of Tasmania
Enterprise education continues to grow in popularity, seemingly the elixir for all modern education woes. Is it as fragmented a discipline that research suggests? This workshop considers the actual state of play in terms of methods, adopters and progression in our field globally. After a brief introduction to the global landscape the facilitators will draw upon the expertise and experience of delegates to seek perspectives and offerings to create a transnational model and propose an implementation plan.
PK6 (a) Innovation to commercialisation of university research
Ben McClure, SETsquared
PK6 (b) Enterprise placement year at the University of Huddersfield
Kelly Smith, University of Huddersfield
PK6 (c) SEE Change North East
Nazia Ali, Teesside University and Vince Robson, University of Sunderland