Parallel Sessions

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IEEC 2014 Parallel Sessions

Session summaries can be found below the table. The tables can be enlarged by clicking on them.

New Session 1 & 2

New Session 3 & 4

New Session 5 & 6



1A Flipped Learning: Getting student buy-in and engagement for pre-learning teaching methods

Peter Balan, University of South Australia

Experience for yourself how to get student buy-in and engagement in teaching methods that expect students to pre-learn materials before a classroom session (such as the Flipped Classroom, or Team-Based Learning). In this interactive session, you are taken through the first session of a course that comprises exercises to help students identify for themselves their learning responsibilities and learning contracts. This session engages students in entrepreneurship courses, and gets effective student buy-in to a pre-learning teaching method (in this case, Team-Based Learning).

1B Learning and confidence building through failure

Madeleine Jarvis and Claire Giddens, Manchester Metropolitan University

This session explores the concept of failure in enterprise and entrepreneurship education. We present the case of a final year unit and use student voices to highlight how failure is used to promote learning and enhance confidence building. Unlike many other university units, we support trial and error as means of understanding business opportunities. This enables students to develop confidence in their own planning and decision-making and to explore risk taking and possible failure of an idea without the fear of failing a unit.

1C Crowdfunding and higher education: A review of the UK landscape

Lyn Batchelor, University of Chichester

Crowdfunding is one of the buzz words of the decade. Virtually non-existent just ten years ago, it brings “the crowd” and business together in a disruptive business finance model. Specific crowdfunding platforms for HE in the UK signal that universities have more than a passing interest in this type of fundraising. This session offers an overview of the various types of platform, i.e. equity, reward, and donation and offers a snapshot of HE projects launched this year.

1D How social entrepreneurship concepts can impact and engage

Erik Arntsen, University of Agder

Social entrepreneurship is an increasing field of interest. This workshop will present an innovative approach to a social challenge, invite and encourage the audience to present their own experiences – national or international projects and good practice, and finally enable group work and discussions on how to develop social entrepreneurship concepts at the university, on the cross roads with (local) community partners and in cross border projects.

1E Characterising the extra-curricular start-up competition scene in English HEIs: Emergent trends

Kayleigh Watson, University of Sunderland and Pauric McGowan, University of Ulster

University based start-up competitions endure as a ubiquitous yet under-researched form of extracurricular entrepreneurship education. This session provides much needed overview of existing provision and structural characteristics of start-up competitions within English HEIs. Presenting a number of observed trends with regards to dominant competition features, this session will afford opportunity to critically examine and question these trends. Moreover engendering much needed dialogue about the competition agenda going forward amongst those interested in competition development and provision.

1F The Youth Entrepreneurship National CPD Framework

Dinah Griffiths, University of South Wales

This interactive session provides an overview of the Youth Entrepreneurship National CPD Framework, developed as an online practical resource to provide guidance to ensure greater consistency of practice throughout Wales. The successful development of enterprise and entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and behaviours by our learners depends on the opportunities we create and the approaches to teaching and learning taken. Through the development of this framework, our goal is to support entrepreneurial educators, managers and leaders to embed and disseminate good practice.


2A Xerte Online Toolkits: A server based application to create simple Interactive Learning Objects

Jahanara Begum, Cardiff University

Xerte Online Toolkits is a pilot server-based environment for creating content. It provides a set of tools for teachers and e-learning developers to create accessible interactive learning materials producing media-rich learning materials, with images, sound, video, charts, quizzes, interactive drag-and-drop exercises, hotspots and annotated diagrams. Delegates will be guided through XOT in a simple presentation, role changing to become the student engaging through a mobile device. To gain the most from this session please bring a smartphone or other internet enabled mobile device and sign up to the Jisc Xerte Sandpit system here:

2B BABE BA Business & Enterprise: A top up degree targeted at mature working learners – an impactful  journey.

Susan Laing and Maggie Anderson Edinburgh Napier University

How can enterprise educators best support the development of the mature working learner as enterprising individuals in businesses and organisations? We would like to share our journey to date and receive feedback on how best to assess the impact of this innovative and enterprising programme.  BABE has created routes for mature learners to attain a degree qualification in a one year ‘top up’ programme.

2C Heading for the exit: Tough times for digital creative graduate entrepreneurs

Richard Hanage, Teesside University

This session will initiate a discussion about young graduates setting up digital creative sector businesses. A longitudinal study of a small cohort has shown that many of them fail, despite generous initial support. Typically, increased pressures in their personal life for a steady income forces them to seek employment as they lack the selling skills needed to make a consistent business income. Fortunately some achieve excellent career outcomes, partly based on learning from their experience of nascent entrepreneurship.

2D Social entrepreneurship: SEE Change in your community

Darren Chouings, University of Sheffield and Ellen Shipley, UnLtd

Together with UnLtd: the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs, The University of Sheffield will present its future strategy for supporting social entrepreneurs once they leave the University and how they can engage with the city around them. With a focus on developing a support eco system for social entrepreneurs, we will facilitate an engaging workshop that also presents UnLtd’s SEE Change platform, The University of Sheffield Social Innovation Programme and why HEIs are powerful in supporting and growing social entrepreneurship.

2E Huge worldwide free education? Exploring Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in enterprise education 

Katie Wray, Newcastle University, Sarah Underwood and Emilee Simmons, University of Leeds, Julie Holland and Amanda Berry, Loughborough University

Online Learning and MOOCs are not new, but MOOCs are new to the UK enterprise education space. Practice across three UK HEIs (Leeds, Loughborough and Newcastle) will be used to build the debate; question and challenge how we could, and whether we should, turn what we do as educators, professionals and entrepreneurs into online resources for a global and unpredictable audience. Come along for a lively discussion, the sharing of practice and new approaches.

2F Big data, social mood and enterprise education: Engagement strategies for sustainability impact

David Clemson and Colquhoun Ferguson, London South Bank University

Drawing on our experience at LSBU and London RCE a series of social enterprise/innovation projects are presented which have been evaluated through socionomic analysis of social mood. We highlight the participant-learner experience and develop participative-evaluative frameworks taking account of self-evaluations using narrative analysis of community data. A dialogic approach of self-quantification of data is applied to bring forth impact and effectiveness measures for each case. The projects focus on CoP covering educator development (UE4SD), e-waste, politics of sustainability and marginalised community identity.


3A Enterprise and entrepreneurship assessment and evaluation method using the MAPP simulation tool

Yuliana Seymour, London South Bank University

Drawing on extensive experience of developing and delivering Enterprise Education in three different UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), this presentation has three objectives: to highlight best practices in evaluation and assessment techniques when enterprise education is part of core curricular activities; to discuss challenges around evaluation/assessment; and to offer potential solutions which can be adopted to different HEI settings.

3B Inspiring action in health enterprise: Pilot review and implications for learning business entrepreneurship

Sybille Schiffmann, Plymouth University

We will explore innovation and learning in the largest SW Health Social Enterprise.  Action learning methodology was applied to add value to leadership decisions being undertaken by senior managers. Key findings from this pilot will be reviewed with the audience, exploring how business and organisational challenges can be effectively addressed, or not, using this approach.  The relevance for this team based learning model for those studying (social) entrepreneurship, will also be explored.

3C Social entrepreneurs: Introduction to measuring and reporting social enterprise impact

Philip Clegg and Catherine McGrath, University of Huddersfield

A Social Enterprise with a vision to deliver positive social impact is no longer sufficient. To prove it is  ‘making a difference’ it is essential, at the business planning stage, to embed procedures that define, capture, measure and disseminate social return to stakeholders and social investors. This workshop will present a proven method that will enable attendees to consider how their clients can achieve this. Delegates will work in groups to evaluate the social return of an existing case study.

3D Leveraging the rapid rise of industry entrepreneurship programmes

William Akerman, MyKindaCrowd and Akshay Thakur, Cisco

The last 12-months have seen a rapid rise in large corporations’ interest in the student and graduate entrepreneur community. John Lewis this year announced ‘Jlab’, an entrepreneur incubator, whilst Telefonica’s international entrepreneur programme ‘Wayra’ has been established for 24-months. Many of these include university partnerships including Cisco ‘BIG’ programme working with University College London, and supported by MyKindaCrowd. This trend shows no signs of slowing, and should allow universities a route to establishing meaningful relationships with national and international organisations.

3E To pay or not to pay? Delivering real student-led impact

Catherine Bushell, Cardiff University and Emma Forouzan, University of South Wales

Students often lead activities such as peer-peer engagement, running enterprise societies and delivering extracurricular events. These students may be paid or unpaid. While a valuable learning experience for those involved, does this approach really result in effective education and engagement? Can the impact and cost/benefit be demonstrated? This workshop will present the experience of three Universities working in partnership and will engage participants to share experiences and debate the best way to incorporate student-led activity.

3F This little piggy went to market: How to commercialise your research

Eunice Lawton, University of Sheffield

What are the different ways in which research ideas can be developed? Researchers are not always sure of the different routes available. The Wilson Review, published Feb 2012, recommended that researchers be encouraged to attend an enterprise skills programme.  An online programme that could be used as part of researcher induction has been developed to demystify the options. This could lead to them engaging with further enterprise training programmes and consider how their research could be commercialised in future.


4A Intellectual Property: Pathway from classroom to career

Alexandra Symonds and Matthew Larreta, Intellectual Property Office

The session will explore the effectiveness of Intellectual Property (IP) education within further and higher education and how IP is key to enterprise education. We will also consider barriers to IP teaching in education and the work of the Intellectual Property Office to assist educators in embedding IP more easily into existing teaching materials.

4B Learning for impact: An innovative, flexible, work-based approach

Tony Blackwood and Lucy Hatt, Northumbria University, Carol Jarvis and Georgina Dance, University of the West of England

This session will introduce delegates to an innovative flexible learning model recently introduced at two institutions, which is designed to accelerate the development of learners through a challenging work-based, ‘learning by doing’ approach in which they set up and manage a real business in teams. The aim is to motivate participants to take responsibility for their own development and best equip them for a career in business through ensuring the relevance of learning.

4C B-Innovative: Entrepreneurship for better business in Europe

Brian Tipler, University of Bedfordshire and Katrin Reschwamm, EUrelations AG

B-Innovative is an Erasmus funded project which aims to share best-practice around entrepreneurship amongst a number of European partners. This successful start-up programme has been organised in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland and the UK with more than 500 would-be entrepreneurs supported to date. This session aims to share our experiences and challenges in setting up the programme and implementing it in different countries. Delegates will take away innovative approaches in developing entrepreneurship education.

4D Yorkshire’s Graduate Entrepreneurship Project: A case study in quantifying impact

Kelly Smith and Colin Harrison, University of Huddersfield

The Graduate Entrepreneurship Project (GE), which finished delivery in March 2014, brought together all universities across Yorkshire and was part-funded by ERDF. It was the second of two 3-year projects worth about £2m each. It has achieved its contractual targets by some measure and provided excellent assistance for emerging entrepreneurs from students and graduates. This session highlights the issues with trying to quantify the impact of such programmes and asks whether there are better ways of doing this.

4E Pants across the Nation: Outlining the importance of HE & FE collaboration

Safia Barikzai, London South Bank University; Stephanie  Harding and Penny Matthews, Llandrillo Menai

There is a real need for collaborative ventures between FE and HE institutions and we aim to bridge that gap by exploring ways to engage and educate our students to work as co-creators of social markets. The ‘Pants to Poverty’ campaign and the promotion of Pantrapreneurs Challenge is explored. Our FE students are already engaged with markets and this gives the opportunity of demystifying the HE environment by bringing those markets down to London South Bank University.

4F Postgraduates and Postdoctoral researchers are the ‘Cinderella’ group within our universities when it comes to enterprise and entrepreneurship education

Simon Brown, DrSimonB; Robert Newberry, Plymouth University

Only recently have policy makers around government and university leaders acknowledged that UK Plc requires the world class research within our institutions to be commercialised more effectively than it has been to date. This presentation shares the learning from a 6 month SETsquared pilot programme; Researcher to Innovator. 30 post-doctoral and early stage academics engaged with action learning to develop their self-efficacy and capacity to be entrepreneurial. Evaluation of the impact of this programme will be shared.


5A An emancipatory approach to enterprise education pedagogy

Colin Jones, University of Tasmania; Harry Matlay, University of West Scotland; Kathryn Penaluna and Andy Penaluna, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

This presentation introduces an entirely new way to consider the process of student engagement. We position the process of heutagogy as an educational concept through which enterprise education can develop its distinctiveness. Whereas pedagogy relates to approaches that are teacher-directed, and andragogy relates to student-directed approaches, heutagogy describes approaches that are student-determined. We argue that once the relationship between pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy is fully understood, the desirability of student engagement becomes obvious. Thus, student engagement = community-based enterprise education.

5B Embedding global entrepreneurship in the curriculum: Engagement and impact

William Ang’awa, Fiona Thompson and Richard Li- Hua, University of Sunderland

The Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Sunderland developed the Global Entrepreneurship module for students in the final year of their business and combined programme courses. Student learners now have a unique opportunity to play an important role as global citizens providing solutions and understanding through entrepreneurship education with a global perspective, exploring the latest thinking and developing new international networks. This interactive session will explore the issues and challenges faced.

5C From business card to postcard

Heather Fulford, Moira Bailey and Anne Stevenson, Aberdeen Business School (Robert Gordon University)

In this session we will explore the need for young entrepreneurs to create a strong network of contacts.  We will introduce an approach for helping young entrepreneurs recognise the value each contact in their network brings to their entrepreneurial endeavours and contributes to their professional development.

5D Meaningful enterprise:  City regeneration and the measurement of social impact

Philip Ely and Lynda Povey, University of Portsmouth

Entrepreneurship – and in particular social entrepreneurship – is seen as an agent of effective City regeneration tackling health, social and cultural problems through the creation of innovative new ventures. However, in the chasm between policy intention and grassroots action, do we capture and measure these social impacts correctly? This workshop explores how collaborative research and community-based partnerships with Universities can fuel social innovation in cities, inviting participants to reflect on an evaluative framework for city regeneration through entrepreneurship.

5E The evolution of an education manager, a paradigm shift ??!!

Theodor van der Velde, Saxion University of Applied Science

Assessment and demand driven education in a Dutch Bsc entrepreneurship program, unique in Holland. There are no lessons, no ‘a priori’ literature, no lecturers. As if we are a 4 years permanent incubator. Cell based organised, i.e. a cohort consists of students, lecturers in management and each cohort differs from another.  The study roads differ individually, the assessments stay the same. My personal change from outdated education manager towards change leader in an experimental design, is the ‘story’.

5F BAFL or ‘Business as a Foreign Language’: How should we speak to PGRs from the Arts and Humanities in order to encourage engagement with enterprise and entrepreneurship education and training?

Dawn Weatherston & Jane Nolan, Newcastle University

Students from the arts and humanities need to be appealed to in a particular way when it comes to the offer of enterprise and entrepreneurship training. It seems that using the right language to discuss entrepreneurship within a creative context is key, particularly when promoting curricular and extra-curricular activities. This workshop will explore issues of engagement using short case studies of three postgraduate interventions which all struggled to recruit students and yet subsequently received excellent feedback from the participants.


6A DEPICT: Developing Employability Programme using Interactive Curriculum Technologies

Dominic Martinez, University of Salford and Erik Arntsen, University of Agder

DEPICT: Develo ping Employability Programmes using Interactive Curriculum Technologies is a project with two key aims: firstly, to understand the skills that small and medium-sized enterprises in the creative and cultural industries require from graduates wishing to enter the sector; secondly, to research and evaluate the effectiveness of using interactive technologies for developing employability skills in these students. The session will present the findings of the project and introduce key resources for universities and educational institutions looking to harness the power of online technologies in their own employability and skills development courses.

6B Using Flashmobs as experiential learning in entrepreneurship education

Richard Tunstall, University of Leeds

This session will outline how Flashmobs may be used as an interactive learning technique in to either teach about or through entrepreneurship. Attention will be paid to how students can better understand and experience the opportunity creation process through this experiential activity, whereby students organise and gather outside the classroom and attempt to engage the public in a short surprise activity. Learning tools will be outlined to support student reflection and discussed in relation to modern theories of entrepreneurship.

6C Pitch: The employability skills art, design and creative industry graduates need and how art and design schools help can deliver them

Angie Dutton & Richard Morris, Cardiff Metropolitan University

‘What we wished we’d known’ and ‘what we’re glad we learnt’. Cardiff School of Art & Design have been asking its graduates, entrepreneurs and creatives these questions and come up with some fascinating answers to help its students pitch themselves into their careers.  Now we’d like to ask you too. We’ll tell you about what we discovered, about how simply asking the question promoted many offers of support and how we’ve fed that into the curriculum and other initiatives.

6D Deep learning in SME owner/managers: Is it different from students?

Vic Curtis, University of Derby

This session describes and demonstrates the application of deep learning outside of the traditional student context to SME owner/managers. Can deep learning be used to measure the engagement or impact of their learning from an innovation workshop? Easy to use surveys, interactive quizzes and web-based wordles may be able to provide the answers.

6E ‘Singing from the same song-sheet’:  exploring what enterprise and employability practitioners can learn from each other

Stephen Brown and David Whitstance, Southampton Solent University

Enterprise educators are being departmentally merged and combined with employability experts throughout the University landscape. With this integration comes potential for confusion and mixed messages as the enterprise educator can be viewed as ‘maverick’ compared to the more established traditional careers expert. This session, introduced by enterprise and employability practitioners, explores the convergence and divergence of the agendas; how any mixed messages can be transformed into a positive and coherent story; finally, how integration can be successfully managed.

6F RENKEI: An innovative approach to doctoral and postdoctoral researcher development through collaborating across cultures

Jane Nolan, Newcastle University

The RENKEI Researcher Development School in Bristol and Kyoto aimed to prepare researchers for uncertain futures by developing skills to work effectively across the boundaries of cultures, disciplines, academia, business and wider society, to enhance impact and realise the commercial and social value of research.  The teaching, learning and participant feedback will be shared and Business Model Canvas will be used interactively to consider how the RENKEI School experience, entrepreneurial learning and pedagogies might be applied in IEEC delegates’ institutions.