‘PechaKucha is a visual storytelling platform that simplifies the artful process of inspiring others.’ Japanese for “chit-chat,” PechaKucha is a style of presenting ideas, knowledge or passion in an easy and memorable way. The format is simple, visual and short: 20 images x 20 seconds.’

IEEC is pleased to be an official ‘Powered by PechaKucha’ event. 

To prepare your presentation, please use one of the following templates. These templates include automated timings to ensure you keep to your time!

EEUK_Pechakucha Template (Powerpoint)

EEUK_Pechakucha Template (Keynote for Mac)


What makes for a good PechaKucha presentation?
• Be aware that 20 seconds can feel short for some and long for others — and reading from a piece of paper is not the answer, presenting should feel natural.
• The best presentations use strong visuals, with a minimum of text — in fact, no
text is even better.
• Full framed images (with no margins) are better.
• Visit for further inspiration!

How much time does each speakers get?
• Presentations will always be about 6 mins 40 secs, but we budget 10 minutes per presenter so there is an opportunity for Q&A. 

Do presentations need to be sent in advance?
• No, just bring your presentations on a USB memory stick and load them on to the laptop before your session.
